Spine Scavenger (appropriately) comes at Commander X from a military point of view -- more or less claiming that he knows where the greys -- those small, nasty, aliens -- have made their homes. Some of their underground bases are located in the vast synthesized tunnel systems, while others are side by side with the underground facilities being shared with the New World Order* or Secret Government. This is an important addition to the ever-increasing library of subsurface material on subsurface activity.
*aka: generation of total blast-off from order-structure-structure : 1:2:2:1:2:2
After listening to this cassette, I became paranoid. I didn't realize it at first (which I guess is normal with paranoia) but after a while it became increasingly clear that I was not perceiving everyday anxieties normally anymore. They had become more like invasive psychic species, paranormal free radicals, here to convert and abduct me from the inside.
This hour long tape feels like slowly, but frantically ascending acu-pressure up your back, toward your skull. It is slow-burn, long-term dark infusion for real.
Spine Scavenger is Aaron Dilloway (former member of Wolf Eyes). Deep in the muck now. Remember that time we spotted Charles Burltiz off the coast of the 4th tip-center of the Bermuda triangulation vortex? Chuck leaned outta his UFO and strangled out a big "what-up" to the homies going about their confusing lives down below. We were still between earth and sky then. Thank you Spine Scavenger for liberating us, showing us that we are truly free beings. We are grateful for having our spines ripped out. How else would we realize our loose nature?
Highly recommended!! As Dilloway says on the Hanson Recs site, this is ambient.